Pancakes (aka crepes)
- 2 Cups Flour
- 2 1/4 Cups Plant based milk
- Tsp Sugar
- Tsp Vanilla Extract
- Coconut oil (for cooking)
Prep time:
5 mins
Makes you look like you know your way round the kitchen, when in reality you are basically mixing flour, milk and then frying.
Put it all in a bowl and whisk until smooth. For nice thin pancakes, the batter should leave little lines behind the whisk. If you want slightly fluffy pancakes, use self raising flour.
These are more crepes than pancakes, so keep the batter reasonably thin. Put a non stick frying pan on medium high heat, drop in and melt half a tsp of coconut oil then use a soup ladel or similar to pour in enough batter to fill the base of the pan.
Flip then repeat for each pancake. Either make each to order or put what you make on a plate and in the oven at about 100 degrees until ready to serve.

Serve with
- Classic Lemon and Sugar
- Banana and peanut butter
- Strawberries and agave
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