Easy potato pancakes (almost one ingredient)
- One large potato or two small
- Tbsp butter
- Tbsp Olive oil
- Pinch of salt and pepper
Prep time:
10 mins
Not much in the larder and need a quick snack or easy and tasty side dish to go with a salad. Give this a try
- Wash and then grate the potato into a bowl
- Place grated potato in an old tea towel or mesh cloth and squeeze out as much water as possible.
- Put back in bowl and add butter and salt and pepper and give a good mix.
- Heat a frying pan with olive oil
- When hot add the potato mix and flatten out to your desired thikness.
- Ensure golden on both sides and then serve

Serve with
- Any salad works well or they taste great on their own.
- This is essentially fried potato, so its not a great meal on its own, but with a salad or other dish it works and tastes great,
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